Pre-session form by LadyShibari77 21/11/2022 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name/scene name: *Phone number: *Note: I will not call you unprompted, but I require phone confirmation before session.Date proposal: *Studio is open beween: 12AM-11PM, any exceptions must be discussed beforehand.E-mail *Deposit payment method: *BLIK to phonebank transferBLIK code (anonymous)paysafe card code (PLN only, anonymous, can be purchased through cash)Deposit is 100PLN per hour of session. Rescheduling possible 24hr before agreed upon time.COVID-19 vaccination status *fully vaccinatedvaccinated but not boosted recentlyno vaccinationrecent COVID-9 infection but negative nowThis information is crucial in planning appointment times.BDSM practices you wish to experience: *Limits on above practices: *eg. no marks, no makeup, no use of certain wordsPracticess you don't want to experience: *Write down things you don't wantList of every serious bone/tendon/ligament injury you ever had: *This is CRUCIAL if the session will involve any form of bondage or force.Chronic ilnesses (those under control as well): *eg. hypertension, diabetes, heart problems (having a pacemaker) panic attacks Have you experienced sexual violence or coercion? *NoYes(me knowing this is important in creating a safe environment during the session)Have you experienced DV or IPV? *NoYesBefore the session:I will eat and drink fluids normally - no fasting!I will refrain from consuming alcoholI will refrain from using ilicit drugs (poppers are NOT ALLOWED)I will read the rules and obey themSubmit Share FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail